The soprano just stood there, looking at the pianist and admiring him. Lepper played them adequately, of course, but I bet he can play them more fluidly. 1, which, as the title advertises, is a little song. You might think of “Twinkle, Twinkle.” Of course Mr. But I would have appreciated less rubato and more straightforwardness. How went “A Dream”? Both performers accorded the song due strength. I might pause to note that Sally Matthews used sheet music, all through the recital. (So did the pianist, needless to say.) (Warren Jones was the last accompanist I heard to go without sheet music.) From what I know, it is the practice of this soprano to use music. I suspect it’s more for the words than for the music. The Strauss following intermission was his Op. Screwy, ingenious things, they require intelligence and poise, which the two performers gave them.